Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday Sleep-overs

Monday sleep overs really just means R sleeps over at my place because she has this ridiculous Physics lab that takes place at 6 in the night and goes on till 8pm. It would be almost as criminal as my Studies in Poetry class that started at 6 and went on till 9pm! No matter how much I love Paz, Muldoon, Akhmatova and others like them I CANNOT appreciate lyrical beauty at 9, in a cramped classroom, next to an old man ("non-traditional" student for you) who refuses to shut up and a teacher who makes me burn with jealousy because he speaks ten languages (or more, I am not sure).* Enough ranting. Gomen, gomen. We usually meet at the recreational center. I go for my club meeting for an hour and then head home with R.

*I speak six. Ahem!

We did little apart from learning how to sing Aoyama Thelma's Soba ni Iru better. I suggested putting up a video of the two of us singing but I think we're not quite there as yet.

Songs of the moment - Utada Hikaru's "First Love" and Kingone's "The World that I Want." I listened to the first the entire day. The snow and the cold outside made it sound so much prettier. I'd actually all but forgotten about Kigone and his hot-hot-hotness until I saw his song on R's playlist. Now that Kingone's entered my "beautiful men" consciousness I shall nominate him boy of the week.

Boy of the week: Kingone Wang - because he is bootiful, has some semblance of talent, and
because he never gets the girl in the end. So we thought he deserved a little something-something from us. ^_^

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