M.M / Making Memories - The Beginning
Memory is such fertile ground for literary expositions. But what need have we for literary expositions when all we want to do is emulate our dear Japanese brothers and sisters by "making memories." Every Japanese dorama we watch tells us how important it is to make memories to cherish forever. For one, it is just too tempting a thought to give up. So, in the ways of the twenty-first century we decided to create a blog. I shall use "we" very loosely because one half constituting the "we" will participate in this precious activity of documenting memories merely by grunting and sneering at it. The other half is I, very much at the service of our common memories. I intend to be as scientific and accurate as possible; no tainted memories for us please. Let us start with a little equation: We = I + R**
I= yours truly
R= scornful cynic/ soul mate when there's a buffalo wings eating competition (a story worthy of its own blog)
A bit of history is warranted no doubt. If I were to think of a starting point it would be my intense curiosity of R's Asian dramas which she watched on her laptop outside her lecture halls. Now, loyalty has never been an outstanding trait I possess. That is not to say I am not loyal, however if one were asked to fix one distinguishing characteristic it would in all probability be my beauty.*** Yes, and loyalty is an indispensable requirement for drama viewing. But, but, but Asian dramas were usually only ten episodes or so long. I need not supress my philandering for long then. Hana-Kimi (the Taiwanese version) was the first drama I watched for precisely three reasons:
1. Wu Zun (hot Taiwanese idol)
2. Jiro Wang (see above)
3. Nose bleeds were a novel concept to me and therefore very amusing.
The rest as they say is history. I gradually moved from Taiwanese dramas to Korean dramas and then finally to Japanese doramas. And it was the last that taught me I could infact make memories.
And because it is our final semester before we graduate we decided to document all our memories. Ofcourse we plan to meet each other in Tokyo for Johnny's Entertainment's New Year Countdown in Tokyo next year but that would be getting ahead of ourselves.
** R might just be the sleeping partner but I shall try and coax her into contributing very hard.
*** If you must know, R does not have a distinguishing characteristic; she has two: long legs and a scorn that will cutchu in two.
[TV] NTV Best Artist 2013
11 years ago
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