We meet after the week long Spring break that seemed not to last more than a second (during which I did nothing much except crowd the blog with pictures of all the men I drool over). Anyway we met for dinner and then R went to her Physics lab. I just doodled around until it was time for me to go to my club's documentary screening. R attended it as well. It was longer than we thought it was going to be but it was a very good documentary. But I shan't write about it because then it would result in a spillover from my other blog (and I intend to separate the two as much as possible). Anywho afterwards we did what we do best. Laugh like crackpots over various videos. We thought this particular video was very funny. We think Infinity Challenge is hilarious! Their Boys Over Flowers parody was a little on the ridiculous side but Jun Jin makes such a beautiful girl! And I finally discovered that Jun Jin was a member of Shinhwa (a band I was aware of but never really bothered to learn more about). He's very pretty.
Oh and here are R's updates:
1. R likes SS501, a Korean band, primarily because of the Rui character, Kim Hyun Joong, in Boys Over Flowers. She even has their songs on her MP3 player! This is serious, people! [I like the song "Song calling out to you." It's so peppy! And the band being Korean the boys are very good looking. If I'm not careful I am going to have another major obsession on my hands again and I don't need one right now. I have enough already.]
2. She voted for Quest Crew (in America's Next Dance Crew or some show like that). And she likes them a lot. I do too. Hok, the Japanese boy with the British accent and HOT moves is our favourite. [BTW, they are going to be the Pretty Boys of the Week :)] Damn, hot Asian boys who can sing and dance and look hot all at the same time.
Question of the day? - Although I am Asian why am I not nearly as cool as all the Asians I see around me?
Also, R makes the observation that I am dumber than Aiba Masaki!!!!!!!!!! [Later, she qualified it by saying that I was dumber than him at times, which is good. Phewwww.]
Friday- Chaucer's Big Day Out :)
Friday was the day R gave me Chaucer. And yes he is very literary. But before that I must tell you the Christmas all over again feeling I got when R gave me all these gifts (things she'd forgotten to give me over Christmas, hahahaha). I got a lot of things amongst which th

GEE and Bu de Bu Ai have decided they like our soft, mushy brains very much and have resolved to remain in it. Which makes things difficult for us because we break out into the Gee dance everywhere. We even danced on the GR bridge on our way to the GR symphony concert. Two crazy girls dancing everywhere. Hmmm. Friday was very nice even though it was a Friday the 13th. We met up after classes, went to a Philosophy lecture (total intellectual cop-out on the part of the lecturer, by the way) where R made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to die. So, there's a German Professor in the Philosophy department and he has quite a heavy accent. Now, I have never really given it much thought and have always thought him quite intelligent. BUT the minute he started asking questions at the lecture R scribbles a note on her hand-out and what do I see scribbled? "HE REMINDS ME OF ARNOLD!" I completely lost it after that and was trying so hard to stifle my laughter that I turned redder than a beet root. I could hear Chaucer tut-tutting at me. Yes, R and her profound observations. Well, the lecture wasn't anything to write home about. Then we took the bus downtown for dinner with my "faux mom" who is second concert master at the GR symphony. Yes, she is all that! ^_^ Anywho, we took pictures at dinner of the two fat cats - Bob and Mirabelle. Well, Mirabelle isn't quite as fat as Bob. R named Bob, Bob the obese and we compared him to Homer Simpson. The dinner was very nice. After that we strolled about a little before heading to the concert. We went to a little store called Little Bohemia Too (we actually followed chalk signs on the pavement leading us to the place - very Hansel and Gretel we thought) and we found me the cutest (!!!!) red summer coat. And I looked so good in it too. Sadly it was a tad expensive ($80) and since I can't afford to be frivolous I had to let go of it. However R did take a picture of me wearing it. ^_^ We then went to get a drink at a very chic Coffee House (fair trade coffee, vegan brownies- we like!). It was quite nice and as always spoke of life and life after school. We ran to the concert venue because we realized we were late and got in just on time.
The concert's first piece was the most awful thing I have heard in my life. Composed as a response to the 9/11 attacks it was the most glib work of art (if I can call it that). Right after the first five minutes R and I both looked at each other and decided we hated it. Imagine how Chaucer must have felt considering it was his first concert. I tried my hardest to cover his ears! The second half was Wagner's "The Ring" and we thought that was much better. I personally like Wagner, the flourish, the bigness and all. Oh and during the interlude R and I were trying to take pictures of ourselves but got it right only on the millionth attempt. It was quite funny. I shall post a couple of pictures of our very eventful Friday. After the concert Mike, Chris' partner, decided to take us backstage and we got introduced to the conductor, a David Lockington who was oh so condescending! He thought Chaucer was present only to help alleviate the effects of the music (although if they continue performing pieces like the first one I might very well need a sleep aid). Mr Lockington presumes, quite wrongly, that our youth somehow makes us unaware of western classical music. We resent that! We've had good colonial education(s), thank you very much. O_O Anywho we went backstage and up on stage. Yes, we took more pictures. R pretending she was Chiaki Senpai (cf. Nodame Cantabille). And I pretended to be a siren next to the harp. Fun, fun!
When we came back home we ( yet AGAIN) watched Infinity Challenge. R and I vote that the creepy guy with big eyes is the best thing about that parody. We also mutually drooled over Jun Jin and discovered that Ryo Nishikido has a six pack or an eight pack or something like that. Who cares? He looks awesome without his shirt on! As does Jun Jin. Oh we were squealing like school girls. And that was the end of our Friday. I don't know if I've missed anything much.
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