I can't believe that my obssession with Arashi has STILL not ended. It's been far too long. I don't really care too much for their songs - I mean they're cute and I like listening to them when I am in the mood to be "uplifted" but they're no Big Bang or even DBSK/Tohoshinki/TVXQ. The former has great big beated songs and the latter...well, they are gorgeous. Arashi are neither good looking (some would disagree I am sure) nor are they great singers but I still love them more than Big Bang (whose songs, believe me, I am addicted to)!
It all started one dark, dank gloomy day when I decided I needed to do something more than just be miserable and mull over past mistakes. R asked me to look at some videos which had Aiba trying to speak English in them. (I am certain I have told this story before but hey it's my blog). Anywho, the reason for my bringing this up again is that Arashi's general stupidity and quirky sense of humour is what is so appealing. Aiba is stupid. Ohno on the other hand doesn't even have to try. He just is hilarious. Sho is...umm...very very good looking. Ok, fine, I take back what I said about them not being good looking. Sho is so damn fine. And he went to Keio - which ofcourse earns him major brownie points. And he can be very funny too. Nino is the skinny nerd who can do anything and everything. He is so adept at whatever he chooses to do that I feel he has some sort of pact with the devil. Matsumoto is just Matsumoto. Enough said. I liked him a little more for some time post watching Kimi wa Petto. But that was some time ago. Oh and Aiba - hahahaha - yes, I love him. I have to say more about him. I know he is a player and all but he's just so adorably dumb. Being excited about the stupidest things and getting all choked up while reading that damn letter (and getting me all teary eyed too) - Aiba is my boy.
Observations -
T.A.P ( Trashy Asian Pop) is a wonderful way of expunging four years of literary criticism.
Asian boys are hot but Asian girls are sooooooo much hotter. Hahahaha. Just wanted to say that.
Having a job and an internship at a hot shot New York magazine still hasn't helped me mature. I still spent a ridiculous amount at BAPE.
I miss R.
I don't know what I want from life apart from wanting to surround myself with beautiful Asian boys (preferably in Jpop/Kpop/Tpop boybands). :P
I am still shallow.
[TV] NTV Best Artist 2013
11 years ago
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