I am obsessed with various things at various points in my life. Right now I am obsessed with
1) BIG BANG - I absolutely love their big beat-ed songs. And I am quite annoyed to find that they are so very popular. Damn it. I find myself torn between TOP and G-Dragon. I can't decide who I want to like more. :) TOP is the manliest man I have liked in some time (That really says something about the boys I like now, doesn't it? ). I think it's that husky, sexy voice. And G-Dragon is just so pretty and boy can he move.
2) AIBA MASAKI - I have quite the roving eye when it comes to men. I never like one for long (which might explain all the failed relationships :P ). BUT this man Aiba Masaki has had me squealing like a teenager every time I see his stupid face for the past five months! And I see no end to this ridiculousness. I am sometimes reminded of the saying about God looking after fools when I see Aiba. He is so dumb and completely oblivious about the immense charm that his stupidity has for fan girls. Ofcourse his idiocy is endearing only because he is so freaking good looking. Ugly and stupid? Don't work, sorry. I became interested in Arashi only because of Aiba's wonderful "I can really speak English" videos. Infact I once sent R a link to an Arashi video because I thought it was so funny (and now I am a total fangirl, yep). I suppose I still can't stomach grown men all dancing to silly moves (the dancing is just laughable) but their dynamic as a group evident in their shows is what makes them so loveable. The only one I don't really like is Matsumoto Jun. I don't quite know why. Anywho Aiba Masaki - he's the man for me. He could very well be the stupidest person I know of (I do know him, don't I?) but I don't care because he is so lovely. ^_^
This was the drama that made me want Kamenashi Kazuya as a boyfriend. This was also the drama that really made me wish I could fall in love (love as an existential reality is a myth as far as I am concerned). It made me want to believe in a youth that is full of love and goodness. I am quite obsessed with the drama and watch it from time to time. The simulated innocence invigorates me somehow. It makes me wish I was a nicer person...but that doesn't last very long. Thankfully. :P I also like the end song Bokura no Machi De. I was so excited to find that the Kat-tun cd R gave me had the song! Arigatoh R-chan.
Anyway I shall find out R's latest obsessions too and blog about it.
[TV] NTV Best Artist 2013
11 years ago