Example : A girl in my English capstone class asked what "parody" meant. What sort of educational system lets someone like that graduate with a degree in English Literature and allow her to teach (I am assuming she is part of the "teaching" track)? And people ask why high school education in America is in such a sad state when compared to high school education in Asian countries.
Anywho R complained about how different classes taught her the same thing and that she could very well die from boredom. Me, I think I could die from a heart attack induced by anger at classmates who should be exiled to Siberia. If it was the 1660s and I was Tsar Alexis, I would ship all of them off to the North Pole without an ounce of guilt. Alternatively, if I were their career counsellor and allowed to be brutally honest I would tell them that flipping burgers could be considered an art form (in the future, perhaps?) and that they shouldn't hesitate to take it up.
Pardon the rant but I need to "let it all out" somewhere.
Coming back to the original theme/topic, this week's sleep-over was uneventful because I had to rush off to my club meeting and had to write a paper for the next day leaving little room for fun and frolic.
Updates: I am now "in a relationship" with Aiba on facebook so I suppose that makes things real official. ^_^ I think it's very amusing and am clearly flouting my own rules that dictate facebook relationships can only be used for frivolous purposes. Eeheehee.
R and I both hate the cold (hold on...this isn't an update, it's merely a wry comment on our lack of enthusiasm for snow storms).
Most importantly, I get to choose pretty boy of the week. He's part of a Korean band called Big Bang and he has the face of a baby. So here we have it - G Dragon. I chose him because he's the cutest member of Big Bang (arguably) and I have been listening to nothing but Haru Haru for the past two weeks.

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