So, I think I am going to christen our sleep overs something else. Perhaps a name that does justice to our mutual inclination to make each other aware of more madness in the Asian world (and hence the cooler half of the globe). You see, in my mind Geography constitutes a simple division of halves - one side has Asia and the other has everything else. Anywho last night was no different with R showing me a drama which had Sho in it. Yes, and he looked very cute. I remember Ohno's song where he talks about looking at Sho's face in the morning and wondering how a Keio student could have a face like that. It's a drama about Sho going back in time and meeting his Dad's younger self. (See, I knew there was depth in Japanese dramas. There must be. Just notice the wonderful play on the idea of self and creation of self - with memory thrown in it could become the next "Speak, Memory." Hahahahahahahahaha. Errmm.)
Anyway I took a look at the Dad and thought he looked like Taichi. And this I know from watching the video where Aiba dances in a hula skirt entitled "Aiba steals Taichi's thunder." And I am still immensely attracted to this man! How obssessed am I? I do wonder sometimes. I possess this Dirac-like focus with an ability to concentrate on one thing isolating all else! But going back to the drama (I remember not the name and am far too lazy to look it up). We watched bits of various episodes. And then! And then we watched Big Bang parodies. Big Bang is the latest in a very long line of boys I fall for the instant I see them because they are so pretty.
The first one was of Hana Yori Dango and the second was of Coffee Prince. Both hilarious and had us cracking up.
I have an exam tomorrow. I won't even bother to mention which discipline because it just might induce a few heart attacks. However, I shall write, one day, how all this stupidity is actually wonderful for my study. One day!
Important Updates: Both of us have haircuts. One of us is happy, the other not so. It won't surprise you to know who is dissatisfied with the haircut.
*** More on Big Bang next time. ^_^
[TV] NTV Best Artist 2013
11 years ago
Didn't somebody forget all about the pizza incident...? (Oh I don't know something along the lines of one stuffing one's face with said food)And obviously the one dissatified with their haircut is not R...
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD! I was soooo thinking about incorporating it while I was walking to my exam! Imagine that! Forget Rousseau man. Hahahaha. And GUESS WHAT? Who did I pass and couldn't talk to because I had to run to class? AND I was looking like a freaking eskimo with my hoodie up and everything. DAMN DAMN. He must think I am some freak! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. WAIIIIIIIIIIIIL. To make matter worse he seemed to look so cute today. :(