I blogged about this before but sadly it was lost in the vast unknown of internet space. So here I am blogging about, not last week, but the week before the last.
Sleep over was very fun. We talked about things profound and not. We talked about Japan and possibilities. About doughnut boys and chef boys. Both of us miss our study abroad Universities for vastly different reasons but the longing is the same. We spoke of how we became friends. Funny story. I shall have to recount it some other time. In short it was a long, rambling conversation that reminds me of why we are friends; we understand each other.
I woke up feeling like something was going to happen. Showered, put on a really nice dress-shirt, cute pants and high heels (R hates the heels :P). R woke up, looked at me and gave me a "what's with all the dressing up?" look. She later told me that she sort of guessed my intentions. Anywho, I had decided subconsciously that I would talk to the boy I had been crushing on for a year now. And talk I did! AND he was really nice about it too! (He looked so cute up close.) He said he'd add my on facebook and all that. I wish I could end my story here and say that we hooked up and are now madly in love with each other but sadly I shall have to be honest. When he did add me I saw he was already in a relationship.
The End
Not much. I watched a J.P. Melville movie. Quite bleak in certain ways but a fantastic movie about the French resistance.
Quite possibly the most entertaining day and humiliating day (for me). My Lit. Modernism teacher let us off early because he felt like it. He's an old grandfatherly type who doesn't whack people when they make stupid comments. I think he leaves the tongue lashing to me. Anywho I went to a lab to see if I had any events lined up and I saw a message from R saying that there was a Japanese movie screening. I was only 5 minutes late and I ran to the venue. The movie, Takashi Miike's "The Happiness of the Katakuris" was wonderfully strange. It reminded me of Katsuhito Ishii's "Cha no Aji." Ofcourse Miike could never make a movie with half the insight of Ishii. However, it was very funny and had both of us cracking up. Towards the end of the movie we were rudely interrupted by the fire alarm and were standing in the bitter cold for some time. After the movie was over we decided to go to Kleiner and have dinner. I really wanted Asian food (mostly rice ^_^). On our way there what should happen but the biggest fall I have had in three years! It was so surreal and cartoonish. I almost didn't believe I was in real time. There was absolutely no way I could fall in the same manner as a Hanna Barbara cartoon character. BUT I did and I started cracking up. R to say the least started laughing at me too. A kindly soul asked me if I was alright and thus making me realize that I ought to feel slightly humiliated. R even went as far to say that she wished she had remembered to take a picture of me on the ground. [I am quite pleased she forgot.]
Thursday was interesting... :)
I slept the moment I got back from classes because I was so tired. I might have watched a few videos but I don't quite remember.
[TV] NTV Best Artist 2013
11 years ago
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